3 Ways To Cut Your Car Insurance Cost

27 February 2015
 Categories: Insurance, Blog


Have you just purchased a new car? If so, the cost of your auto insurance may have increased, which can make it a bit more difficult for you to stay on top of your monthly insurance premiums. If this is the case for you, then you may want to find ways to lower the cost of your premium, without having to put yourself at risk and eliminate some of your coverages. So, if you are looking for ways to cut your insurance rates without losing coverage then you may want to consider:

Updating Your Profile With Your Provider:

Do you drive less than you did when you first signed up for your insurance policy? If so, you may be able to save big if your annual miles are less than before. The less you are on the road the less your insurance provider will see you as a high liability, which will allow you to obtain lower insurance rates. So, if your new job is closer to home or you are now self-employed then you will want to contact your insurance provider and update your profile so they know you no longer have the same commute length as before.

Paying a Higher Deductible:

Paying a higher deductible is a great way to lower your insurance cost, especially if you have no history of accidents. Though your deductible may be a higher charge, overall you will save a significant amount on your monthly car insurance payments, which can be helpful for saving in the case of an emergency. Besides, if you are never involved in an accident then you'll never have to worry about paying the deductible anyway, which is why it is a great option to increase your deductible if you have a short commute or rarely drive your vehicle.

Investing in Safety and Security Components:

Insurance providers will look closely to see what type of safety and security features that your car has, as some of these features can help prevent car accidents and auto theft. Features like anti-theft protection and side-by-side air bags can help save you big on your insurance premium, as these features will allow your insurance provider to see you are a bit safer on the road.

So, before you pay your next insurance premium, consult with your auto insurance services provider and take advantage of these tips as they may save you more than you think. Not only will this make your car insurance more affordable, but it will help you avoid having to cut back on your coverage, so you can continue to be protected on the road.